Our Academies – South Bank University Academy

South Bank University Academy is a happy school with high standards of behaviour where students feel safe and secure. Our teachers build strong relationships with every student, they  nurture their personal growth and through carefully designed experiences support them to become the changemakers in their world, live a good life and improve the lives of others.

Everything we do is true to our values of social justice, endeavour, kindness and empathy, and community. Our vision and these values are bold and distinctive. They are about much more than examination results and they are tangible to all those who study and work here. We are determined to achieve this vision and embody these values every day. If you visit our school you will see this played out in our lessons where students are engaged in their learning in calm and purposeful environments.

We have thought hard about what we need to teach and how we need to teach it. Through our curriculum  students explore a rich body of knowledge across a broad range of subjects. We supplement this with an  extensive enrichment curriculum of contextualised projects, educational visits, lectures, community work and  a range of additional clubs and societies. Access to technology brings opportunities for powerful learning. Each student is provided with their own chromebook throughout their time at South Bank UA and all of our lessons and additional resources are available to them online so they can access them at home.

We recognise that each subject has a unique pedagogical approach which is closely tied to the curriculum that is created for students. Therefore we never prescribe particular methods of teaching. We are a learning organisation and so regularly reflect on our practice through structured training sessions as well as our Professional Learning Community where our teachers direct their own development. 

At South Bank UA we believe that to become the changemakers in your world you need a breadth of experiences beyond the normal school subjects. This is why we provide so many diverse opportunities for our students to broaden their horizons, become positive citizens and improve the lives of others. Our Day 10 and after school programmes involve all of our students with community work, educational and cultural visits and engagement with external businesses and agencies. This develops their employability and professional skills, supports their personal development and increases their social and cultural capital. We strive to make all of our enrichment opportunities available at no cost to all of you. This includes trips, tutoring, musical instrument tuition and Duke of Edinburgh participation.

If you would like to visit our school then please email office@southbankua.org.uk 

School information

Trafalgar Street, London, SE17 2TP

Tel: 020 7277 3000 
Email: office@southbankua.org.uk
Visit us online: www.southbankua.org.uk

Principal | Mr John Taylor

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