Jo Young

After A-Levels Jo was fortunate to stumble across an interesting role as a Trainee Healthcare Scientist which, through in service training and day release education, led to a fully funded MSc in Medical Radiation Physics and a fulfilling 30-year career in the NHS, including time at King’s College Hospital, Bart’s Health, Health Education England and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. This has made Jo passionate about supporting others to find the right career path for them regardless of starting point, and through various projects involving Apprenticeships, working with education providers and under-represented groups Jo found a new career leading on Widening Participation at Guy’s and St Thomas’.

As a south Londoner, Jo is passionate about ensuring local people understand and have access to the broad range of roles within the NHS, no matter what their background or starting point.
As well as being a Governor of Southwark College, Jo was a Governor or Southbank University Technical College for 8 years. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine and an Honorary Fellow of the Academy of Healthcare Science

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